
At the very heart of Christ is service (Luke 22:27).  Serving is not something we have to do, but something we get to do.  As we look out for the interests of others, our lives go deeper into the life of the community we are serving.  Here at Immanuel, we believe that Jesus is the ultimate servant, and as we serve we have the honor of participating in the work He's already doing.  

Serve in ikids

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom

We have a flourishing, lively children’s ministry and are always looking for dedicated volunteers to care for our kids and teach them about Jesus. Once you sign up to volunteer you will be asked to complete an application and screening process, including reference & background checks, interview, & sexual abuse awareness training.   

Serve Teams

The serve team functions as the hands and feet of the church by practically embodying the welcome of the gospel to one another.  Positions on the welcome team include parking assistance, door greeters, welcome desk hosts, coffee prep, and more.  If you would like to be a part of this team, fill out the form below! 

Questions about Serving?

if you have any questions about serving opportunities at Immanuel we would love to hear from you!
