Next Steps Membership Seminar
If you are interested in learning more about membership at Immanuel, our Next Steps Seminar is for you! You can join us on Saturday, March 1st, 2025, from 9 am to 3 pm in Sadler Hall for our next class.
Marriage Foundations Seminar
If you are preparing for marriage or are young in your marriage Join us on Saturday, November 9 from 9 AM - 1 PM in the cafe for a marriage foundations seminar. Lunch will be provided.
The Daily Pulse
The Daily Pulse is a daily source of Biblical encouragement and the best way to stay up to date with all things Immanuel. Sign up for the daily pulse to stay in the know!
Serve At Immanuel!
Are you interested in serving at Immanuel? Fill out the form below, and someone will help you get plugged in.
Serve Immanuel Kids
Interested in making the real Jesus non-ignorable to the next generation?
Immanuel Women's Bible Study (Thursdays)
Immanuel's Women's Bible Study will meet on Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:30 AM beginning on January 9th. We will be going through "Psalms: Prayers of the Heart” by Eugene Peterson. Childcare will be provided. Please sign up here!
Community Groups
Community Groups are one of the best ways to get connected to Immanuel. These Groups are for everyone at any stage of life. There are no barriers here, just show up and be encouraged. Find a group here.
Prayer Request
Immanuel would love to pray for you. If you would like to share anything with us and be prayed for, we welcome you to fill out a prayer request form.
College Group
Join other college students at Immanuel as we enter into a community marked by the beauty of the real Jesus and give ourselves to the advancement of his kingdom on our campuses and in our city.
Adoption and Foster Care Group
The Adoption & Foster Group exists to support and connect families who are fostering or adopting, as well as those who may be considering fostering or adopting.
Park Avenue Elementary Serve Opportunity
Join Immanuel members in serving our neighbors at Park Avenue Elementary. If you are interested in serving or learning more, click below!